learn japanese hiragana alphabet
Learn hiragana katakana with audio and hiragana katakana tables. Hi, i created japaneseup to share something that i’m passionate about: the japanese language. on my site you will find games for learning japanese alphabet symbols. Learning the two japanese phonetic alphabets, hiragana and katakana, are key to learning basic japanese, japanese language school in tokyo - yoshida institute..
Learn japanese hiragana in a few hours without effort, with three types of exercises: drawing the hiragana with your finger on the screen, choosing the. Learning the hiragana alphabet is the very first step towards learning japanese! if japanese seems like a bunch of crazy squiggles you will never be able to read, don. Learn japanese hiragana in 90 seconds! after this short video you will be able to read your first word in japanese with dr. moku. http://drmoku.com.